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Woman Guilty of Murder After Disturbing Animal Killing Video - 65 Views

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Woman Guilty of Murder After Disturbing Animal Killing Video

Scarlet Blake, a 25-year-old individual who gained notoriety for live-streaming the killing of a cat and putting it in a blender, has been found guilty of the murder of Jorge Martin Carreno four months later.

Blake, who identified as transgender, captured widespread attention after filming the dissection of a family pet, mimicking a disturbing act depicted in the Netflix documentary “Don’t F*** With Cats.” The documentary features Luka Magnotta, who kills kittens and later films a murder set to New Order’s 1987 hit “True Faith.”

Prosecutors argued that Blake had a “fixation with violence” and actively sought a victim, eventually finding Mr. Martin Carreno on the streets of Oxford in the early hours of 25 July 2021. The 30-year-old BMW factory worker, who was walking home alone after a night out, was later found dead in the River Cherwell.

Blake initially pleaded guilty to criminal damage for the cat killing incident but denied the murder charges related to Mr. Martin Carreno. The prosecution argued that Blake inflicted blows to the victim’s head, attempted strangulation, and ultimately placed him in the river where he drowned.

The case gained momentum when Blake’s former partner, Ashlynn Bell, informed detectives about Blake’s confession to the murder, leading to a murder investigation two years after the incident.

While Blake’s disturbing actions shocked the public, the court’s decision reflects the severe consequences for the tragic loss of a human life.

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